Benefits of Music

Relieves Stress

The piano itself can reduce anxiety, stress, and even your blood pressure. It also can help you refocus your mind helping you throughout the day if you get mentally tired.

Enhances Split Concentration

Since piano requires both of your hands doing different things at the same time, it can be difficult at first but if you persevere it will come easy over time. This is called the art of Split Concentration, the process of differentiating information sources and successfully carry out multiple tasks at a time.

Strengthens Hand Muscles

When using correct posture for your hands while playing the piano it will strengthen your hands and arms over time. This is another reason why the piano is helpful for younger kids, so they can develop strength in their arms and hands while also being more prone to use correct posture for better technic.

Improves Language Skills

The aural awareness you develop when playing the piano makes it easier to understand the sound patterns of different languages. This also can help kids who have trouble hearing in loud backgrounds and can even help dyslexia.

Improves Vocabulary 

Learning piano expands your vocabulary since you are exposed to more words than most people who do not play music. This also improves reading skills and overall helps social performance.

Helps Children Accept Criticism

People who take piano get continuous feedback and constructive criticism, not only from their teacher but from the people who hear them play. This prepares them to accept criticism in a positive way that will help build them up and give them a mindset to try harder and improve.